教養孩童走他當行的路,就是到老,他也不會偏離。- 箴言 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. - Proverbs 22:6
使命 Mission :
向兒童传福音 Share gospel with children
学习神的话语 Teach children biblical truth
预備兒童服事神 Equip children to serve Lord
1. 兒童崇拜 / Starlight children worship (Team Lead: Limin)
Time: Sunday, 10:30 - 10:50am
2. 兒童主日學 / Children Sunday School (Superintendent: Rong)
Time: Sunday, 11:00 – 12:15 pm
兒童主日學分班 / Classes
幼兒班Toddler (1.5 ~ 3yr old) (Team Lead :Echo)
幼稚班 preK-K (3yr-4yr) (Team Lead:Lan ping)
初年級班 Primary K-1st-2nd grade ( Team lead: Theresa )
中年級班 Middler 3rd-4th grade (Team Lead: Meilan)
高年級班 Junior 5th-6th grade (Team Lead: Rong)
3. 百靈鳥班 / Early Bird class
Time: Sunday, 9:30 - 10:30am
成人主日學时间的儿童照顾, 提供孩子一个舒适的环境,以圣经故事,手工和游戏,学习圣经真理.
Provide children care with bible stories, crafts, and games for family during the adult Sunday class.
4. 青少年詩班 / Junior Choir
2021 Fall, Starting from 9/26/21 , 主日下午/Sunday afternoon 12:45pm - 1:30pm
透過聖樂知識, 歌唱訓練, 聖經作業, 團契生活, 和團體遊戲, 培育孩子們詠唱聖歌敬拜神.
To nurture the children to know WORSHIP GOD through hymns singing, scripture assignments, and group games.
指揮: Ben 联络人: Lily , Tina
週五晚上兒童團契- 4th to 6th grade Friday night fellowship
Time: Friday, 8:00pm - 9:15pm (at Zoom)
目标(Goal): 建立兒童团契生活(Build up children fellowship)
负责同工Contact : Rong
1. 暑期圣经学校
2022-VBS: 7/25 - 7/29, 9:30am - 12:30pm in person at EBCC church.
(2021 VBS: 7/26-7/30,10-11:30 am, in virtual camp)