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2017年04月09日(受浸聚會) Ken Hwang牧師 見證_信息:悔改並受洗_受洗


1] The English Ministry will be having a special Good Friday Service at 8 PM on 4/14 and Easter Service at 10:30 AM on 4/16.

2] A reminder that Starlight Ministry begins at 10:30 AM and that all children must be checked by their parents beforehand. No latecomers will be accepted after 10:35 AM to keep the focus on the worship of God.

3] This year's VBS will be August 7-11. Please contact Stephanie Ho with questions or to register.

4] There will be a joint prayer meeting on 4/25 at 8 PM on the 3rd floor. Please come and join us.

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